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The Last 9 Months - Through Photos

Photos taken by me and and mostly Cherie

It started with a simple surgery and turned into a cancer diagnosis. I spent a lot of December in the hospital, learning to deal with bags and needles. Because of Covid, it was lonely, especially at night when I didn't know what would happen next.

In January the real work began, what to do about this stage four serous uterine cancer. I feel so grateful that I got sent to UCHealth and Dr. Alldredge. Still have hair and look like myself.

Then the Chemo began, six rounds. Hair loss, pain, exhaustion - what fun. But my CA 125 just kept dropping. I got my port, that made chemo easier, I had many change outs of the nephrostomy tubes and a few ER trip. January through May was rough. I tried to keep my humor and hope up through it all.

In June came surgery, and more hospital stays, along with 30 rounds of radiation. June through early August wore me down more, but the doctors keep getting more of the cancer out of my body.

So that's how I have spent the last nine months. It felt like the right time to share my story through pictures. You will notice Cherie in a lot of the photos, she has been right there through all of this as my care taker, cheerleader and amazing partner.

I am now done with chemo, surgery, and radiation and I am waiting for my next appointment to find out the status of my cancer. I am using this time to let my body and mind rest and recuperate and get back to myself.



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