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Paige wanted to finish this blog - I will do my best

Paige had written a few words to finish this blog.

"I was so naive when I started this blog about my cancer journey. In my heart I thought it would be hard (which I did hot define well) and I thought it would have a happy ending after all the treatments. And I have no idea how to end this blog. I had hoped I would get and give the hope I needed to move forward. "

I don't know how she meant to finish the blog. When she wrote those words, she knew her time was short, and that her time was coming to an end.

In a notebook by her chair I found these words:

One Life

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

What are you going to do?

Paige died on October 31st at 3am, peacefully sleeping at home. The last couple of months were very hard and painful, and there was a feeling of peace and rest when she was gone.

I would like to think she rode off on her bike, and is now hugging her dad and her dogs, and all the people that went before her are gathered with her and enjoying time together.

We miss her terribly. She missed herself for much longer than we have.

Wishing you all the best on your new adventure, Paige. We love you still, always and forever.

Truly, madly deeply.

Cherie Grubbs


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